LAKE NATOMA LOOP 5X March 1, 2006

Seeking to use the single day of good weather over this midweek, I took the train out to Historic Folsom, once again, and completed this becoming, standard, loop walk. Wishing to do it differently, I started my walk at about 10:25 a.m. This would give me different light, and a change from the after lunch routine which I had been accustomed to.

Ambling down the historic street, I crossed over the old truss bridge, and started my counterclockwise loop. The cliffs along the lake had morning light on them. Still a bit in backlight, I snapped a few photos, one for the website.

A few cyclists were using the trail, and I enjoyed walking off the pavement, and not blocking the bike trail for fast riders. Currently, it is about 98% possible to keep off the pavement, and not incur any near collisions, or cautionary slowing, with exercisers.

I saw the tame geese, again, and at about the 25.5 mile mark, I chose to make the short side trip to the top of the highest hill of tailings. The bright blue sky, and puffy white clouds, created a pleasant scene. For wild looking scenery, this is about it, for local, mass transportation ops run from the big city, here. What segments of, mostly restored, nature that were visible, contrasted with office buildings and some residential development.

I took the bike trail underpass at Hazel Avenue. Street crossings delay the busy motorist, and I try to avoid pressing any crosswalk buttons to stop traffic. Thirsty, I passed the fast food outlets, and continued along the side, sandy trails on the southeastern side of the lake. I longed for a water faucet, but the only ones are not working, and back further on the trail.

Holding my thirst, I walked the sandy trail, enjoying the beautiful weather, and the early time of the day. Finally then back to the historic area, I got some good thirst quencher, and a place to sit. I enjoyed, then, waiting for the train. Finishing my drink, I boarded the light rail as it arrived.

Darker clouds formed as I rode west. The forecast predicted some rain, later in the day.

My total hike time was about the same, 3.7 hours. I spent a few dollars for the drinks, $3.50 for the ride, and snapped over 50 images. I still consider it about 11 miles, and it was a nice day!

I was fine with two light layers under my parka, and plain hiking pants. I like my new cap, and used my daypack to carry my other things.

Maybe someday, I will get a bicycle, again, and ride, like most users do. I have to worry that someone will throw tacks in front of me, thus puncturing my tires. I had that happen to me as I led a bike ride for the local enviro activities group, decades ago. Both times. Some persons will do anything to spoil another person's fun!