LAKE NATOMA LOOP 18X May 3, 2007

This cooler, though overcast, day offered an op to hike locally. It was to rain the next day, and then the heat would start to set in. Rather to be spending the time to dine and relax, today, I'd choose to get some exercise while I could.

Leaving on the light rail a bit before noon, I soon came to Historic Folsom, again. I wanted a quick lunch, but the eateries were full. I crossed over the old truss bridge, and took a paved, side trail to the Auburn-Folsom Road. The cross walk here is slow, but there is lots of traffic. I got some cheap fast food, and walked back to the bike trail.

There is still a good show of wildflowers, with poppies, plenty of vetch, and many other flowers. The restrooms are open at the park, and the cliffs above the lakeshore stood imposingly enough. Cyclists would speed on by at intervals.

The bump near the 25.5 mile mark offered a great vista of the white sky. Still plenty of green, although the grasses were drying up. There are a few geese about, and more flowers to be seen. I needed a rest break, and found a facility at Nimbus Flats.

The air was nice and cool, and I didn't lose much water by any fast walking. The darker clouds appeared against the rest of the sky, and that made for appealing photos. I found a spot with bigger yellow flowers, and snapped several pictures. My photo software was to help improve the shot greatly. It's amazing how an almost black area in the original image can be lightened up to show the detail.

I looked at my watch, and thought to not rush. I'd make it back to Historic Folsom after the 5 o'clock train. I then took my time searching for better photos, and then didn't pass on any wildflowers. I know about how long it takes me to get to the train station from a particular spot, so I slowed a bit.

Rowers were out on the water, and there had been a couple paddlers, too. I shot a few more photos of the sky, getting a bit concerned about rain, later. Soon, I was nearing the end of my walk, and the usual completion of this lake loop.

Having ten minutes to spare, I didn't have time to get any cold soda or snack. I used the ticket machine and boarded a car. Home in time to catch the last of the news.

I had done the usual 11 miles, and shot over 165 images today. I spent the $4 round trip fare, and $2 for lunch, before tax. Wearing two light layers and light pants, I was fine with the colder highs, today.

Hoping to continue a frugal existence, it will be some time before I get the urge for another road trip. I am looking forward to capturing many sunsets over the river, as I try to avoid the heat of the afternoon, and still get my daily exercise.