Rattlesnake Mountain 90X, December 11, 2021

RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN 90X December 11, 2021

With some tech support arranged, I had to calculate my schedule as to arrive for the session on time. I had my sausage and eggs breakfast, then dallied about home to kill time. To then motor to the fast food for diet soda, I then bagged the Rattlesnake 90X. I skipped doing Twin Peaks, then motored south on the main street to the mall. Gratefully, the restroom was open, and I used it, so I wouldn't have to go when I was getting tech help.

To the electronics company store, I waited, and then was served by the help. My AirPods had an issue, and as they were no more under warranty, I'd have to pay $$ for a replacement. Then it was to my Bluetooth devices, which wouldn't connect with my latest computer after a software update. I called four times to the support number for help, and I was then directed to an appointment. Turning out that they now required my computer as well to troubleshoot, this trip was a complete waste. The phone help never told me to bring in the computer, which I could have easily done if I had known.

With such inconvenience, I gave the help low ratings in a survey, and it used to be, they'd fix the issue right away on a phone call.

I headed back north to get an organic salad, and then to get groceries with more eats at home, as a big storm during the coming week may close the roads.