Busy beyond belief, I had one thing after another coming up. Having some time to hike with another webmaster, I mostly posted photos to the Thousand Peaks Club site at Facebook. I had numerous issues to deal with, including medical and financial. Stressed out, I had to cease most traveling and spending. In temporary debt, I am forced to watch expenses, and curtail my usual fun. It should get better as I pay off my new bills, but I have worries about everything. At home, I tend to dwell, and this is not too good for me.

It became necessary to have some auto maintenance, so I figured to go back to the dealership that has served me well for about 13 years. Only a two hour drive, I did a search for service locally, but it seems some things are better back in California. Fearful of a major repair expense, I fretted about even having to sell my car, and go back to walking and bus travel, as I had figured for myself back in 2001. I can rent a car for when it becomes absolutely necessary, and I figured with no partners to ever share, my climbing and travel days are halted.

Resting and preparing for a drive over the top on Tuesday, I gratefully awoke after not getting good sleep. Heading westbound on the Interstate, driving was really different after not doing much for awhile. The new, recent snow had disappeared, and the ground everywhere was bone dry. The traffic was light, so I made good time, and stopped for food in Colfax. Getting gas in Auburn, I arrived on time for my service appointment, and so thankfully was received and my car to get to the mechanics. They didn’t find any major problems, so my bill was so affordable. Good to go for another 6,000 miles to the next service, I plan to be sparing. I have too many bills to consider any road trips, and mostly I have seen it all. First things first!

I had some business in Auburn, so that took some time. It was early still in the day, so I figured on some light hiking. I had some food, then made it to Donner Rest Area to hike the Glacier Meadows Trail. Cold and windy, I donned two heavier layers, and set out for the short hike. No snow anywhere there, but I had to hop across some streams. Seeing no one on the trail, I quickly came back to use the nice facility, again, then departed eastward.

My dash cam suction cup began failing, and I had to exit a few times rather than to deal with it as I was driving. Nice to see what most motorists simply pass by. I thought to go to the ranger station in Truckee, but it was past hours. Feeling better as my trip progressed toward a safe end, I made a stop at the enviro clothing outlet, then went to the nearby Mayberry Park for a hike to the top of the hill there. Still cold and windy, a runner passed me by, and I could hardly see how one could stand the cold and wind in a light layer. Too windy at the top of the hill, I took my usual photos and panoramas, then hiked back down. Lots of people and their dogs.

Successfully concluding a short activity, I had to cancel my offer for PCT Thru-Hikers to get a ride, lodge, and rest, as I never got any messages about it, and it is an expense and burden that I can’t afford anymore. My summer looks to be forced frugality. What comes up is usually nothing. Aged and weaker, it is an increased hazard to venture into the wilderness, and I don’t need a freak injury to have to risk right now. I hope to do my hiking on roads and byways where expensive rescue isn’t required. My mental state isn’t right for this anymore. My old peak buddies have all given it up. While it looks like hiking has a resurgence by the Internet, I avoid those, as it looks that the old hiking club does what is of no interest to me anymore.

I had hoped with investment returns, I’d be flying and traveling, but that didn’t work out too well. It looks to be getting some new tech, and what fun that may bring for some short time. In isolation from any hiking company, I figure on exploring what looks good as I can, and keeping the driving short and the emissions low. There is more business to deal with, and potential additional expenses. Getting to be a nightmare, I have had bad times before. But, there’s nothing like a good hike or road trip to get my perspective and outlook to improve.